Who can be a tutor?...
who can be a Student?
Question: Who can be a tutor?
Answer: We designed Foundation in Sounds™ so that almost anyone can teach this program successfully, whether you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher’s aide, teacher, professional tutor, speech or language therapist, etc.
It’s okay if you are not a very good reader or speller as long as you can hear the sounds well enough to notice mistakes the student will make. Are you a good fit? There is an excellent way to find out! Susan Barton created a wonderful and quick screening that would benefit any reading instructor intending to teach any reading program. Click the following link to see if you are ready to work with a student. Tutor Screening
If you pass, you are ready to teach Foundation in Sounds™.
Question: How do I learn to teach Foundation in Sounds™?
Answer: The Foundation in Sounds™ training is available online and via DVD (upon request); providing two hours of explicit, step-by-step training for the tutor, parent, or teacher. Be sure to watch all of the training before you begin with your student.
Question: How often should I meet with my student?
Answer: A student needs at least two hours a week of instruction. For some, two one-hour sessions will be fine; for others, it may be best to present in half-hour sessions four times a week, especially if a student has significant attention issues. Spread your time and sessions evenly over the course of the week. Large chunks of time all at once are usually less productive.
Question: How many students can I work with at once while doing Foundation in Sounds™?
Answer: Foundation in Sounds™ is most effective administered one-on-one. This allows the tutor to provide instant corrective feedback, and to pace correctly for the student. However, if children are similarly skilled small groups of two or three can be effective as well.
Question: How long does it take to complete a lesson?
Answer: Every student is unique, so it is impossible to say exactly how long a lesson will take. On average though, a student can complete a lesson in 30 minutes to an hour.
The key is to make sure your student has truly mastered the material, before moving on. Remember, you are building a Foundation in Sounds™, which is critical to becoming a successful reader.
Question: How long will it take to get through all 12 lessons?
Answer: There are many variables to this question: How severe are the student's learning challenges? Is the student cooperative? Does the student attend sessions faithfully? Do you use the Homework Kit and assign homework? Do the parents help with the completion of the homework?
All this being said, an average student who receives 2 hours per week of one-on-one tutoring should complete the Foundation in Sounds™ program in 6 to 12 weeks.
Question: How will Foundation in Sounds™ benefit my student?
Answer: Foundation in Sounds™ will improve and strengthen a student’s Auditory Discrimination, Auditory Memory size, and Auditory Sequencing, skills that are necessary to begin any reading program, especially Orton Gillingham-influenced programs. If your student is receiving instruction in the Barton Reading and Spelling System, they will be able to pass Part C of the Barton Student Screening and they will be ready to begin instruction in the Barton Reading and Spelling System.
Additionally, the National Reading Panel (2000) found that phonemic awareness is a critical predictor of a child’s ability to read and spell. Children who develop phonemic awareness skills early on are more likely to become proficient readers. Students who benefitted included:
1. Normally developing readers
2. Children at risk for future
reading problems
3. Disabled readers
4. Preschoolers
5. Kindergartners
6. 1st graders
7. 2nd through 6th graders (most
of whom were disabled
8. Children across various SES
9. Children learning to read in
English and other languages.
10. Adults lacking these
fundamental skills
Question: My student only struggles with a few of the sounds. Do I have to do all 12 lessons?
Answer: Yes. In order to ensure success, every student should start with Lesson 1 and complete all 12 lessons. Remember, Foundation in Sounds™ is not teaching sounds, Foundation in Sounds™ is teaching Auditory Discrimination, Auditory Memory, and Auditory Sequencing.
Question: Who can be a student of Foundation in Sounds™?
Answer: We've had success with students as young as 4 years old. Typically it's best if a student has an IQ of 70 or greater. If you will be moving straight into an Orton Gillingham influenced program, it's best if your student is a proficient English speaker. For children with speech delays or disorders, please call so we can discuss your specific circumstances. Also, Foundation in Sounds™ may be beneficial for non-native English speakers who will be learning to speak, read, and write the English language If your student is a non-native English speaker who will be going into the Barton Reading and Spelling System, access the following link, scroll down to "A Barton student must", click on and download the ESL Screening, and administer the ESL Screeing for students entering the Barton Reading and Spelling System.​
Question: Can Foundation in Sounds™ be used with adults?
Answer: Foundation in Sounds™ is a skill based program. If your student is weak in Auditory Discrimination, Auditory Memory, and Auditory Sequencing, Foundation in Sounds™, will benefit your student and prepare them for entry into any reading program regardless of their age.
Question: What if I don’t understand something or my student is struggling?
Answers: We provide free unlimited support to ensure you and your student are successful. You may contact us by phone, 719-476-0189, or by email, Support@FoundationInSounds.com.